Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Romance Cafe Spreads Love


I had to laugh..while sitting here thinking about the day...How can you just figure a person doesn’t like you if you don’t really have any dealings with them? How can a person have so much to say about you and what they think happens in your life...when they are not even included in your life or thought about in a day?? Why would people take time out of their life to wonder if you have money or not, what house you live in..if you have happiness or not. They just up and decide to have a problem with the way you carry yourself...the things you do, the places you go...the stuff you buy; smile in your face, but have malicious intent or envy inside for you. How can one be so quick to judge, talk, and spread When it would be so much easier to deal with truth. If you wanna know about me ask i will give you the MY TRUTH:). Soooooo on that note for all the people that have had so much to say about me let ME help you out... I love myself inside and out; therefore I do what I truly enjoy. LIFE LOVES ME AND I LOVE IT!! I AM GRATEFUL FOR GODS FAVOR ON ME. I have a job that I TRULY enjoy doing. It is one that uses my creative talents and abilities in a surprising way; enlightening “OTHERS”. I have moved into my greater good, I stand tall and free! I love working WITH and FOR the people “I LOVE AND WHO LOVES ME”. I am protected by something larger than ego. I earn a great income and it allows me to be a blessing to myself, my family as well as others. I always have what I need and then some:). God has a way of putting what I need in my path, and I humblily accept, for the supply is endless. I LOVE MYSELF; therefore, I behave and think in the way in which I want things to return to me. I attract loving people in MY WORLD, for they are a reflection of ME! I AM AWARE THAT I CREATE MY OWN EXPERIENCES..I CHOOSE NOT TO LET ANYONE ELSE CREATE THEM FOR ME...LIFE IS GOOD! LET ME LET YOU IN ON SOMETHING...”WE ARE MEANT TO BE DIFFERENT”. When YOU accept this, then there is NO COMPARISION and NO COMPETITION”. Hopefully you can take a real look at yourself now...cause I have.. I have long released others opinions. I APPROVE OF MYSELF...#LIVING DELIBERATELY. SMOOCHES...~ TASHA BROWN DANGERFIELD ~

The Romance Cafe is not a social club, its a business. A serious business that takes women and molds them into powerful beings. We utilize love at all times. If you are interested in changing your life and pursuing your dreams, become a consultant today or 1-888-645-6393.

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