Grab your ankles! Take a wild picture! Move to another city! Cut your hair off! Lose weight! Start your own business! The time has come for you to make a positive change in your life.
Look at your career? Is it fulfilling? Working a full-time job takes up most of our day; therefore it should be a task we love. Don’t you want to do something you enjoy? We allow our dreams, passions, desires, talents, gifts, and goals to disappear due to fear, failure, and change.
Life is change; fear and failure is of the devil. Invite change in with a smile. Don’t worry about money and “is this the right moment”. Every minute you spend miserable in your career is time. Time you could’ve spent building your own company. Does your job give you the income and opportunity to work on your dreams? If it doesn’t you need to select a career that does.
Careers should be lucrative, fun, flexible, and rewarding. These rewards come in the form of giving back and making a difference in the community. There is nothing more fulfilling then helping another person, blessings come to us in abundance when we share our knowledge and display gratitude.
Make a plan now. Don’t think about tomorrow. No job is guaranteed; every person is replaceable in corporate America. And after all, statistics state that the average person needs three streams of income. Start by making your dream your extra source of income. Write your plan, state it aloud, close your eyes and visualize it, make a song about it, chant it throughout the day, picture yourself successful, and don’t give up.
A supportive team is a must. Surround yourself with like-minded, positive people. Remove any negativity that may impede your progress and success. In addition, stay motivated and task oriented in order to accomplish your goals. And don’t get angry when someone gives you constructive criticism. Embrace the information and utilize it for positive change. Merge with a high energy team and disburse your true talents.
Now is the time, take the journey toward your dreams. Let God carry you and give you what is yours. Do not let the devil install fear and failure in your heart. Go with the flow and allow change to transform you into the awesome being you are. Your new life is waiting for you, claim it.
Life is change; fear and failure is of the devil. Invite change in with a smile. Don’t worry about money and “is this the right moment”. Every minute you spend miserable in your career is time. Time you could’ve spent building your own company. Does your job give you the income and opportunity to work on your dreams? If it doesn’t you need to select a career that does.
Careers should be lucrative, fun, flexible, and rewarding. These rewards come in the form of giving back and making a difference in the community. There is nothing more fulfilling then helping another person, blessings come to us in abundance when we share our knowledge and display gratitude.
Make a plan now. Don’t think about tomorrow. No job is guaranteed; every person is replaceable in corporate America. And after all, statistics state that the average person needs three streams of income. Start by making your dream your extra source of income. Write your plan, state it aloud, close your eyes and visualize it, make a song about it, chant it throughout the day, picture yourself successful, and don’t give up.
A supportive team is a must. Surround yourself with like-minded, positive people. Remove any negativity that may impede your progress and success. In addition, stay motivated and task oriented in order to accomplish your goals. And don’t get angry when someone gives you constructive criticism. Embrace the information and utilize it for positive change. Merge with a high energy team and disburse your true talents.
Now is the time, take the journey toward your dreams. Let God carry you and give you what is yours. Do not let the devil install fear and failure in your heart. Go with the flow and allow change to transform you into the awesome being you are. Your new life is waiting for you, claim it.
~Karlyn LeBlanc, LMSW
~Author of "Characters of Lust" and "Taste of Lust"
~CEO The Romance Cafe
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I took this opportunity and ran with it. It is a great way to take your God given talents and really allow them to shine. When you can use what you naturally have inside you and then show all what you are capable of -- that is success. Being a Romance Cafe consultant has allowed me to display my talent. I am creative, strong, and determined to let my self shine like a ray of sunshine. Join our team - and let your natural beauty shine! :)