Friday, February 24, 2012

The Beautiful Snow

Some say it's too cold. They find any way to make the weather a negative thing. I say it's beautiful. Every climate is an expression of life. God made all four seasons for us to enjoy. For example, watching the snow fall from the clouds is such a blessing. It's a beauty, that should not be taken for granted. The snow flows freely through the sky. It doesn't worry where it lands. It allows the wind to blow it any direction. It has no care in the world.

Snowflakes come in all shapes and sizes, but that doesn't bother them. They bounce around together, flying in the air, dancing to find a place to land. Falling fearlessly, with no reservations, just happy to finally join others and create great beauty. Have you ever watched the fun that snowflakes have? Take time to appreciate winter. Look out the window and dream. Be free like the snowflakes, and don't worry where life takes you...

~Appreciate nature and remember to keep it happy!

Karlyn LeBlanc, LMSW

Author of "Charcters of Lust"

Sponsored by The Romance Cafe, where everything on the menu is sexy, like me...

Monday, February 20, 2012

I Thought it was You

When I received the call, my heart dropped, I couldn't talk. Disbelief covered my being.
Tears rolled down my face. I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

And to think I was angry with you. Didn't want to hear what you had to say, putting off our love for another day.

Not talking to you, ignoring your calls and texts. You made me mad and I didn't want to hear anything you said.

Staring at myself in the glass, I repeated, "Why was I so selfish? Why did I let pride get in the way?" The only thing I could think of was revenge and making you pay.

Hurt someone you claim to love? That's not functional. You get what you give.
And now I would do anything just for you to live...

Realizing I loved you more than I would ever admit. Reminiscing about the time we spent.

This experience has changed me. I remember death now. Reality is here.
It doesn't feel good. The pain is real. And oh how I want you near.

Cherish life. Tell your loved ones you love them. Talk things out. And don't live with regrets. Express yourself while a person still has breath.

I love you and I don't care who knows. The game is over. Okay, you win.
Stubbornness gets you nowhere. I know you still want to be my friend...

Hurt no more. I will never leave or dismiss you.
You've taught me a valuable lesson. Now, I know what to do.

You are still here. Thank God, I still have time left; time to tell you how I really feel. You don't have to wonder now you know the real deal.

I will practice what I preach, because this near death experience has made me appreciate your touch. Let me end this by saying, "I love you so much."

Because I thought it was you. I will never take you for granted again. Join me and allow our hearts to mend...

~Cherish Life. Treat others with respect, love, and gratitude. Never leave angry or upset. Express yourself and exit with love. Live with no regrets. And remember to keep it happy!

In Memory of Kirkland Randall. Thank you for placing smiles on our faces and making us look and feel beautiful. We love you, you will be missed dearly...

Karlyn LeBlanc, LMSW, Published Author
Sponsored by The Romance Cafe, where everything on the menu is sexy, like me...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Love Heals the World

Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love is happy.
Love is forgiving.
Love is soothing.
Love feels good.
Love is free.
Love heals the world.
When you give love, you receive love. Relationships are true reflections of you. Take a look at your behavior, if you are not acting out of love you'll see it. Learn to love, love unselfishly, love unconditionally, love even when it doesn't feel good.
Everyone needs love, and some need more than others. As you grow you can ignore negativity and love regardless. If you only give love, it has to return to you. Don't spend the rest of your life treating others bad because they treated you bad or attempting to hurt someone because they hurt you. Stand up and show love. Heal the world with love...
~Remember to keep it happy.
Karlyn LeBlanc, LMSW author of "Taste of Lust"

Sponsored by The Romance Cafe, where everything on the menu is sexy, like me....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is an Alter Ego Affair? You're Invited!

What is an alter ego? The dictionary states, "An alter ego (Latin, "the other I") is a second self, which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or original personality. A person with an alter ego is said to lead a double life." So who are you, when you are not yourself? Who do you want to be secretly? What is your deepest lust? Dig deep and there you'll find your alter ego, the other you... For example: super hero's, naughty nurses, domanatrix, goddesses, Marilyn Monroe, gangsta, an innocent school girl, biker boy or girl, a Gesha, a pimp, stripper, a cook, or the unique person who's living inside of you...

Love is in the Air! Come share the passion with The Romance Cafe. 'This is 'An Alter Ego Affair' so come dressed to ~ 'Unveil Your Inner Beauty & Sexiness'!... Enjoy the delicious "pink panties" martini, cocktails, hor d'oeurves, exciting door prizes, games, & an extraordinary romance showcase! Experience beauty & bliss with a fabulous fashion show extravaganza! Tickle your senses & join us for an evening of sweet seduction! Men & Women invited, Couples encouraged, as we unlock the secrets to a healthy & fun romance/relationship. Lotions, Potions, & Lingerie...Glittering & Gorgeous, You'll see! Naughty or Nice, come in your boldest outfit! Guest Appearance by LeBlanc, author of "Taste of Lust" and "Characters of Lust". Remember, the most powerful weapon in the world is the human soul on fire! ღ•ʚįɞ

Bring your friends...

When: Saturday, February 25, 2012

Time: 4pm to 7pm

Where: The Lingers Martini Bar

4142 W. 167th St, Oak Forest, IL 60452

(near Country Club Hills)

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Love I Took For Granted

The Love I took for granted. I thought it would always be around. I allowed my ego to inflate, interchanging kindness for lust. Refusing to give love, selfishly pleasing myself instead of taking time to love back. The Love I took for granted.

The Love I took for granted. Now that it's gone, I miss it. I foolishly thought it would stick around. It warned me, but I was sitting on my throne refusing to believe that anyone would leave me. The Love I took for granted.

The Love I took for granted. I treated it bad. I showed no respect. I was too afraid to be my sensitive, compassionate self. Too worried about my macho image, wanting no one to see me love. The Love I took for granted.

The Love I took for granted. Why did I fall asleep on it? Why didn't I cherish it? It loved me unconditionally. It made me smile. It was a crazy love, I have to admit, but now that its gone I miss it. The Love I took for granted.

~Appreciate the unique Love in your life. Listen to their needs, wants, and desires. Learn to compromise. Remember, emotions change by the minute and everyone moves on when "Love" no longer feels good. Never take Love for granted.

Karlyn LeBlanc, LMSW
Author of "Taste of Lust" and "Characters of Lust"
Founder of The Romance Cafe Home Party Business
CEO and Owner of Smarty Pants Village

Live Your Dream Now

What are you waiting for? Why aren't you living your dream now? Don't get caught up in the everyday routine of life. Time is ticking...Start working on your goals now.

This is your life, you can do, and be whatever you want. Live for you, not mom, dad, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, or your best friend. They are living their lives, now you do the same.

Stop building the dreams of others. If you work that hard for them, imagine what you can do for you. Invest in yourself today!

~Remember to keep it happy...

LeBlanc, author of "Taste of Lust"